Registration will only transfer what is on file and NOT what you choose. It is the responsibility of the ORIGINAL and the NEW ticket holder to communicate this information between the two parties. The ORIGINAL ticket holder will be notified once a request for their pass to be transferred has been made. If the ORIGINAL ticket holder states they did not authorize the transfer, the Service Fee is non-refundable. Bachata, Inc. is not responsible for any disputes between the two parties. Purchase and request transfer at your own risk.
The Service Fee to transfer a GENERAL to GENERAL or a PERFORMER to PERFORMER pass must be paid before the transfer can be completed. This is an automated process. Once the fee is paid, an email confirmation will be sent to the NEW TICKET HOLDER. The NEW TICKET HOLDER must bring the SERVICE FEE email to Registration along with a photo ID.
You must submit for an Authorization Number. This process is automated. If you get a confirmation email, please bring that email to Registration once payment is made to complete the process. The fee MUST be paid or it will not be in our system.
Did you purchase a General Admission (Full Passes ONLY) and now performing? Exit this form and send a GEN TO PERF request.
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